Monday, July 27, 2009

Opportunity Mapping & Visualisation: Water- Storage, Sport & Awareness

Prof M P Ranjan

Design Opportunity Mapping:

All three groups explored their specific areas with numerous thumbnail scenarios, each carried out with deeo dialogue within the team and committed to the format provided. The groups then categorised these design visualisations as thumbnails arranged into the chosen categories and presented all the sketches around a rich visual model that could support and reveal the structure of their offerings.

Individual students had then chosen one of the team concepts and developed this one into a more detailed visualisation of their chosen concept area and these were brought back to the final presentation event in the NID Foyer on Friday evening, the last day of the course for the Paldi Batch this year.

Image01: Group One - Water: Storage and Delivery

Image02: Group Two -Water: Sport and Festivals

Image Group Three - Water: Awareness of Issues and Methods

Prof M P Ranjan

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