Image: Thumbnails of several water based scenarios prepared by the DCC2008 class at NID. They are shown below individually at the links listed here below.

Image: Six pages from a 20 page manual prepared by the Desert Rajasthan team as part of their group assignment The group work Design Opportunity Manuals are now available at this site. You can download the PDF files at the links below:
Desert Rajasthan Manual: 20 page pdf 6.1 mb size.
Kerala Rainforest Manual: 26 pages pdf 4.8 mb size.
Northeast Hills Manual: 12 pages pdf 3.5 mb size
More Design Opportunities: DCC 2008
Here is the second batch of scenarios that emerged from the students of the five regional groups, all working on water based design opportunities for the five assigned geographic regions of India, namely, Northeast Hills, Kerala Rainforest, Himalayan Foothills, Desert Rajasthan and Coastal Maharashtra. They are listed below and hyperlinked to the image and email text that was provided by each of the students selected here.
The five groups are represented here below by another eighteen members:
6. Pragya Singh : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Northeast Hills)
7. Abu Basim : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Northeast Hills)
8. Rohit Goyal : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Northeast Hills)
9. Kabini Amin : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Kerala Rainforest)
10. Abhijit K R: Design Opportunities Water (Team – Kerala Rainforest)
11. Aakash G V: Design Opportunities Water (Team – Kerala Rainforest)
12. DIPTI KHOSLA: Design Opportunities Water (Team - HIMALAYAN FOOTHILLS)
13. Prachi Choudhari: Design Opportunities Water (Team - HIMALAYAN FOOTHILLS)
14. Amol Singh Tomar: Design Opportunities Water (Team - HIMALAYAN FOOTHILLS)
15. Anoushka Garg : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
16. Akanksha : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
17. Lavanya Naidu : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
18. Avirup Basu : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
19. Gaurang Nagre : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
20. Jyotika Deep Singh : Design Opportunities Water (Team – Desert Rajasthan)
21. Surabhi Gangrade : Design Opportunities Water (Team - Coastal Maharashtra)
22. Kavya Agarwal : Design Opportunities Water (Team - Coastal Maharashtra)
23. Nandini Krishnamurthy : Design Opportunities Water (Team - Coastal Maharashtra)